AR2 Squared: A global conspiracy. A nation at risk. A fallen president. A rising hero. The Second American Revolution.
History’s noblest nation, the United States of America, staggers on the verge of collapse. Amidst the turmoil of divisive domestic politics, the crush of oppressive government, the scheming of international conspirators, and the effects of a devastating pandemic, the final assault against the world’s last bastion of liberty has been launched. Just when all seems lost, a new star rises in the West — a Marine Colonel and war hero who reluctantly agrees to enter one last fight, but as neither a Republican nor a Democrat. The master strategist knows he cannot beat the Establishment politicians at their game; so he forces them to play his game — one they cannot win. He leads the charge to reclaim, restore, and rebuild the America that once toppled tyrants, brought prosperity to the masses, and lighted the torch of liberty to illuminate the path of freedom for millions around the world. He ignites the Second American Revolution — AR2.
This is a tale of America today. In a remarkable display of both insight and foresight, the author reveals not only what’s up, but what’s next. The Second American Revolution starts here!