In the Beginning
Do you remember your first conversation with God? You might after reading this book. The setting is the womb. The story portrays the beginning of a relationship between innocence and omniscience – between the unborn baby and his Maker. The reader is allowed to peek into the firmament and watch as the Great One and His little one get to know each other. We listen in as the ultimate Father passes on His advice and prepares His child for the life to come. We will hear about family, work, suffering, shame, glory, good, evil, sin, redemption, sacrifice, disappointment, death, and the boundless love of the One who promises to be with us through it all – forever. Part One of the book ends a few hours after the birth of the child. Part Two begins a few hours before his death some eighty years later. The once-innocent babe is now a disillusioned and bitter old man. Life has been an ordeal. The dying man suspects that God is deeply disappointed in him. Beyond that, however, he knows he is deeply disappointed in God. Once again, it is time for a little chat. Guess Who shows up. An amazing array of deeply personal theological issues are covered in this delightfully engaging tale. You might feel the author is telling your story. Perhaps he is. The Discussion Guide at the end provides a great tool for individuals and groups to explore these issues in more depth. Fall in love with your Papa all over again, just like in the beginning.