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AR2 Handbook for the Second American Revolution
CLICK LINK TO BUY ON AMAZON https://a.co/d/hQy0sBd
The document approved by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, was more than just a Declaration of Independence. It was a proclamation of the rightful role of government. It was a justification for rebellion against illegitimate authority. It was a declaration of war. So is this document. In a tragic case of historical irony, the very institution which was established to fight an illegitimate government has become one. The very government which was established to defend God-given, unalienable rights has chosen to deny God and alienate these rights from its people. And the very document, the Declaration of Independence, which was drafted to justify the establishment of this independent government will now judge that same government. The verdict: “Guilty.” The sentence? “[W]henever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government….” If you are expecting an endorsement of the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or any other political party, you will be disappointed. If you are looking for a call to embrace the philosophy of the left or of the right, you will be surprised. If you think you will be urged to adopt the tenants of conservatism or liberalism, think again. If you expect to hear a rehash of tired old ideas, you are wrong. In the pages to follow, you will read things that you have never read nor heard before. They truly are revolutionary. This is very appropriate. In fact, it is necessary. America was born in revolution, and it will be re-born in revolution. The ineffectual philosophies, parties, programs, and personalities of today have proven themselves irrelevant to our needs. These, after all, are what (and who) have caused our problems. They have nothing to offer us but more of the same woe and grief that they have engendered. It is high time that they be deposited on the ash heap of history.
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Islam Exposed: What You Need to Know About the World's Most Dangerous Religion
CLICK LINK TO BUY ON AMAZON https://a.co/d/7keEN7V
What you don't know about Islam can kill you. What you will read in this book can save you. This concise, gripping account gives the reader everything he needs to know in order to make informed and intelligent decisions about Islam and how to respond to it. Islam Exposed provides irrefutable proof about the true nature of Islam and what it has planned for you. Why irrefutable? Because it draws on the Muslims' own writings: the Koran, Sirat Rasul Allah, and the Hadith. Richly documented, you will learn the truth about Muhammad and the religion he created. Islam has waged a relentless war of aggression against the "Kafirs" (non-believers) for fourteen centuries. It is a religion that offers the world only three alternatives: convert, be enslaved, or die. "Coexist" is not an option. Part 1 begins with a justification for knowing more about Islam. Then, contrary to tradition, the author provides a glossary of key terms at the beginning of the book instead of hiding it at the end where the reader usually discovers it after he already has been bewildered by the meaning of unfamiliar words. The glossary, alone, provides an excellent primer on Islam. Part 2 covers the key elements in the life of Muhammad. We can neither understand Islam nor predict what it will do without an understanding of the man. Islam really isn't about Allah. It is about Muhammad, and this concise biography gives the reader everything he needs to know to understand and judge Islam and to predict what it will do next. Part 3 details the essential elements of the religion and political system that Muhammad created. You will learn about its basic theological tenets, the Five Pillars, Jihad, Islamic Dualism, Muslims' relationships with women and non-believers -- Jews and Christians in particular -- its role in perpetuating slavery, and a comparison between Allah and Abba as well as between Muhammad and Jesus. Part 3 concludes with a short course on the history of Islam and the war of aggression that it has waged for fourteen centuries. Part 4 unveils an aggressive plan of action to save non-believers from the global threat of Islam. Chapter Fifteen discusses the "Myth of the Moderate Muslim" and reveals what Muslims mean when they describe Islam as a "religion of peace." Then comes the "Battle Plan", describing both domestic and international courses of action that will save the non-Islamic world from the terror the Muslims have planned for it. This strategy will end the threat of Islam for good. Included in this is a humanitarian way to liberate the Muslims, themselves, from the chains of their own oppressive religion. Concise, gripping, informative, accurate, and bold -- this book gives the reader everything he needs to know about Islam and how to respond to it. "Coexist" is not an option. So, infidel, unless you plan to convert, be enslaved, or die, your only alternative is to fight. This book tells you how.
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Solutions: Guidebook for Rebuilding America the Great
America is facing a crisis of nearly unparalleled proportions and severity. There have been few times in our history when we have confronted a danger equal to that of today – and those times all were associated with war: a revolution, a civil war, a world war. It can be argued, in fact, that today’s danger is even greater than the crises of yesteryear. Back then the American Spirit was our greatest ally. Today, the American Spirit itself is being destroyed. It is obvious to any perceptive observer of the current socio-political debate that none of the major contenders in that conflict are offering any solutions that are fundamentally different from the old, hapless, and hopeless policies and programs of the past. We are in a rut (or is it a grave?) and no one is offering us a chance to climb out. The major political parties and personalities only disagree about how fast we should keep digging. Precisely when our nation needs a ladder, the politicians only offer us different kinds of shovels. It is time that we the people told them to keep their shovels. We are getting out of here. This is a guidebook for action – a handbook for doers. It will offer unique solutions for the broad, systemic problems of government and social disintegration as well as insights for handling some specific issues such as crime, drugs, illegal immigration, national service, educational and moral reform. It is short. We won’t spend much time discussing the nature of problems that we already know we have. Nor will we spend much time considering a crate-load of statistics to define just how bad the problems are. We all know they are bad. We won’t cover all the troubles confronting the nation; but we will consider enough of the really bad ones to allow us to effect meaningful and lasting reform. The literary style of this book will be conversational and blunt. There is no intent to impress anyone with a scholarly demeanor. It is said that there is a time for all things under the sun. This is a time for the bold and the decisive. This is a time for warriors, for we are in the fight of our lives – the fight for America’s life. One last thing before we embark. We will cater to no special interests other than those of God and country. It was good enough for George Washington, and that’s good enough for us. As such you can bet that we will be slaughtering a good many sacred cows – but they do make the best hamburgers. We will undoubtedly assail an assumption or two that you hold dear or assault a special interest to which you belong. No apologies. We are all part of the problem, and we all need to make some sacrifices to solve the problem. Remember, it doesn’t do much good to have the nicest stateroom on the Titanic if the whole ship goes down. Our ship of state is sinking fast. This is no time for inaction, and it surely is no time to honor the privileged position to which some think they are entitled. We all need to grab a bucket and start bailing. To be sure, we’ll get wet and cold. We’ll get blisters and soar muscles, and some of us will not make it at all. But if we get this right and get it fast, we can save the ship and all those who remain on board. However, if the ship goes down, there will be no survivors. So, don’t think you have a choice in the matter, unless you regard dishonor, dissolution, and death a choice. The time has come for us to unite to re-form a more perfect union. The time has come for us to take pride in the magnitude of our sacrifice, not the magnificence of our privilege. The time has come for Americans to act like Americans.
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In the Beginning
CLICK LINK TO BUY ON AMAZON https://a.co/d/56nw1tl
Do you remember your first conversation with God? You might after reading this book. The setting is the womb. The story portrays the beginning of a relationship between innocence and omniscience – between the unborn baby and his Maker. The reader is allowed to peek into the firmament and watch as the Great One and His little one get to know each other. We listen in as the ultimate Father passes on His advice and prepares His child for the life to come. We will hear about family, work, suffering, shame, glory, good, evil, sin, redemption, sacrifice, disappointment, death, and the boundless love of the One who promises to be with us through it all – forever. Part One of the book ends a few hours after the birth of the child. Part Two begins a few hours before his death some eighty years later. The once-innocent babe is now a disillusioned and bitter old man. Life has been an ordeal. The dying man suspects that God is deeply disappointed in him. Beyond that, however, he knows he is deeply disappointed in God. Once again, it is time for a little chat. Guess Who shows up. An amazing array of deeply personal theological issues are covered in this delightfully engaging tale. You might feel the author is telling your story. Perhaps he is. The Discussion Guide at the end provides a great tool for individuals and groups to explore these issues in more depth. Fall in love with your Papa all over again, just like in the beginning.
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AR2 Squared: A global conspiracy. A nation at risk. A fallen president. A rising hero. The Second American Revolution.
CLICK LINK TO BUY ON AMAZON https://a.co/d/4lHcRxd
History’s noblest nation, the United States of America, staggers on the verge of collapse. Amidst the turmoil of divisive domestic politics, the crush of oppressive government, the scheming of international conspirators, and the effects of a devastating pandemic, the final assault against the world’s last bastion of liberty has been launched. Just when all seems lost, a new star rises in the West — a Marine Colonel and war hero who reluctantly agrees to enter one last fight, but as neither a Republican nor a Democrat. The master strategist knows he cannot beat the Establishment politicians at their game; so he forces them to play his game — one they cannot win. He leads the charge to reclaim, restore, and rebuild the America that once toppled tyrants, brought prosperity to the masses, and lighted the torch of liberty to illuminate the path of freedom for millions around the world. He ignites the Second American Revolution — AR2.
This is a tale of America today. In a remarkable display of both insight and foresight, the author reveals not only what’s up, but what’s next. The Second American Revolution starts here!
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CLICK LINK TO BUY ON AMAZON https://a.co/d/dlfdrjD
Prayer journaling is the sacred historical account of one's heart and life. In this book, Mindy OConnor writes about her share of life's interruptions, frustrations, and God-size miracles. Her journal entries speak to all of us about the power of God's faithfulness through every season of life. This beautiful book reflects a life of knowing and trusting God. We can write prayers in our journals as love letters to God and be confident he hears them. Mindy illustrates the beauty and power of writing out our prayers, giving us a roadmap on how to do it.
In Face Time with God, Mindy shares thoughtful insights about her romance with God. It's a beautifuully written, honest, and self-effacing narrative. Having coped with adoption, barenness, financial challenges, and the untimly loss of a loved one, her life's story offers profound hope and inspiration to people of all ages and backgrounds.
Mindy has turned her tragedies into triumphs and will show you how you can experience the same. Immediately you will recognize how her steadfast faith and total reliance upon God has resulted in incredible answers to prayer.